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NeoPaula's 'Common Sense' - by NeoPaula

NeoPaula's 'Common Sense'

I'm not writing this to talk to you about breaking ties from England, or breaking ties from ANYBODY. Quite the opposite in fact. I'm here to talk to you, simply put, about common sense.

I woke up today after a strange dream I had, which I can barely remember. Walking down to my computer, I opened mIRC. Finding it abandoned (it WAS 5:30 PST), I switched over to After looking at the designs of all the sections, I looked over in the articles. I noticed falcon saying something about "New staff article Column", which made me remember I had never actually read the zeth manifesto. Sure, I had read the crunch chronicles, but I was to find something surprisingly different.

Flipping through each one, I slowly realized how you could slowly lose hope in this type of situation. I refuse to say the community has deteriorated. That's the incorrect word for it. It's merely buried. "Buried, You say?" Yes, buried. Look around #starmen, and I'm sure you can find at least a few people who represent the Rolex someone dropped in the garbage. I can think of at least 5 people, some ops, some not, who defiantly still have a bit of sparkle of the old community left in them. I'm sure you don't want to hear me ramble about the old community, since I was barely in it. (Actually, I was here well before, just not noticeable). However, I can tell when there is someone who generally wants to be in #starmen, is not afraid to speak their mind, and will tell a person in power if what they think they're doing is corrupt. I've been tapped on the shoulder like this a few times, defiantly putting me back in my place. If we were all tapped on the shoulder a few times by these few people, we might realize we were being careless and apathetic (Learned that word from guru) without even realizing it. It gets hard to keep yourself in check, whether you are there to op or to chat.

If there's one thing I've noticed about #starmen, it's the bickering. Not so much as to Ops from chatters, or to chatters from ops, but generally between everyone and anyone who has a bone to pick. Wouldn't it be great if you could come in, be greeted, and just pick up on one conversation that lots of people were active in, and not about 7 side fights? I know that would truly make a difference, if we were all to work for the good of one thing: Earthbound. It's what brought you all here, you can't deny that. For the people who haven't played Earthbound who linger around in #starmen, and I suspect there are more than 1 of you, go play it. It's just common sense.

It's just a Game to some people, and it's a way of life for others. Every group of fans has the casual fan, the hardcore fan, and every shade in between. I myself would end up in one of the shades nearest to casual, but I can still nail a few trivia questions if given the opportunity. Even as I type this, I'm thinking about a thousand things, and Earthbound still lingers. However, the biggest question needs to be answered:

Can the Community continue without Earthbound 64?

Of course it can. Even as I say this, I'm rambling beyond belief, but I know that given a chance, we will thrive. Everything has a cap, and we're nowhere close to meeting ours. Apple of Enlightenment is one thing I am surprised and delighted to see. I haven't submitted an entry yet, but one of these days, probably today, I may just pick up the pen and write a story, or draw a picture. There are still hundreds of ideas in earthbound we haven't explored, and I await the days where the next ones can arrive.

Other Submissions by NeoPaula

Author Sort Ascending Sort Descending Title Sort Ascending Sort Descending Description Sort Ascending Sort Descending Date Sort Ascending Sort Descending Rank Sort Ascending Sort Descending
NeoPaula A Very Adonuts Christmas
A fanfic about the Andonuts family.
3/26/05 0.00
NeoPaula An Earthbound Community
I don't have enough room on my desk for all of these...
1/15/08 10.00
NeoPaula Destination: Imagination
7/31/06 0.00
NeoPaula Diaries:
7/31/06 0.00
NeoPaula Earthbound: A Game for Everyone
7/31/06 0.00


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