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Shade Me - by MikeTheEBGuru

Shade Me

I'm not MikeTheRPGGuru for a reason. Other than EarthBound and a few other SNES classics, I even avoid the RPG genre to some extent. Self-proclaimed titles aside, I think a graphics system plays a big part in the way a RPG (or any game) is presented. Some offer a unique fantasy in which anything is possible. However, others may try to have realistic graphics that make for a more true to life experience that compliments the wacky themes of RPGs. This is the very reason I'd like to see a cel-shaded EarthBound sequel.

EarthBound wasn't accepted in the mainstream. Why, most ignorant reviewers at various gaming mags couldn't even get over the graphics or weapons. Compared to their Final Fantasy 3, EarthBound was pure child's play. Nothing more than a kiddie romp that served as nothing more than a "beginner's" RPG, and that had nothing to fall back on but the crusty, old battle system and modern theme. I believe the now defunct (and for good reason) Video Games magazine fired back with the great, stereotypical '95 line, "It's like Romper Room meets Bobby's World!" The game just didn't have enough support. Not only are reviewers given a small amount of time to make judgements about the game, but the graphics system is usually the fall guy for games. I even believe there's a strange bias in reviewers. What bias? When in doubt, look at the graphics. Trying to meet a deadline? Just look at the graphics. If they aren't horribly realistic, it must be a shoddy game, huh? Oh, and did they ever blame the graphics. I'd like to think we knew better.

That's right, blaming graphics. Sounds similar to the current debate we're facing, huh? Zelda, one of the most premier and prolific gaming franchises of all time, is even coming under fire. I'm shocked. I also find it quite hypocritical that any member of this very community would still be willing to pass judgement on the new Cube title for the simple fact that they knew about the rough time EarthBound had with the critics. Once again, I'd like to think we know better. Sure, my opinion doesn't make any difference in what may or may not happen to any EarthBound sequel, but I think weighing in on the issue shows how we fans will analyze any specific point in the game to show our outspoken ways. I'm game.

Years ago, I envisioned any EarthBound sequel boasting fully realistic environments. Keep in mind, this was before anything such as EarthBound 64 came into the picture. I just saw a similar party being able to travel through lush environments, huge skyscrapers, and realistic-looking waters. I wanted a more mature theme. Something that'd give the critics a bit more of a show. I even wanted Square esque FMV to give a cinematic zest to the title. I saw it copying and borrowing basically every successful RPG element and personifying it to fit in with the EarthBound environment. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

EarthBound's originality is personified in the graphics system. Although cel-shading might just be a fad, I think a similar system would work great with any EarthBound sequel. One of the reasons could be the possible controversy. Nintendo took quite a bit of heat for Zelda's cel-shading, but for them to make another (potential) AAA title with a similar system could very well cause a buzz. Would it be negative in the mainstream? Most certainly. I just think it is important to keep in mind that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Sure, it's just my preference that things be left in a cartoonish light, but there could also be definite benefits. Firstly, it'd be a rare RPG. Cel-shading is usually found in action, adventure, or even the occasional racing title. This would be the first "pure" big RPG to boast cel-shading (I consider Zelda a hybrid). It would make for a distinctive look for a distinctive game. My other, probably more controversial, benefit? The younger market.

Although I very well doubt cel-shading makes a certain game appeal to a certain age group, Nintendo could and should very well keep the same youthful, exuberant humor and feel of the predecessor.Why should an EarthBound sequel be marketed to a younger audience? Dependability. Look at us. Chances are, most people reading this article got into EarthBound before they were a teenager. If a group like us is willing to hang around this many years, I imagine Nintendo would have a dedicated audience could really give the prospect of more EarthBound sequels a shot in the arm. Plus, I'll be quite frank in saying I'd love to see a Pokèmon esque explosion of EarthBound. I can dream, can't I? Anywho, we shouldn't forget the EarthBound environments.

Things were colorful. I just don't see Magicant being created with realistic graphics. Don't get me wrong, we may never see Magicant again, but unrealistically bright, colorful environments were a breathe of fresh air to the Chrono Triggers of the world. There's just nothing quite like fighting the prospect of impending doom when you've got the daffodils smiling right at you during a nice bike ride through the suburbs. I suppose the same applies for a brash, happy little gum-favoring monkey when you ride sidesaddle on a lake monster. It's just good business. Although my take on things might be a tad too optimistic and open-minded, this is an issue that should certainly be addressed. There are pros and cons to each end of the spectrum, but I don't remember worrying about those things while watching a good cartoon. Shade me, but please don't shame me, kid.

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MikeTheEBGuru The Process: My Trials
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