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Law of the Land - by Ultimoo

Law of the Land

Last night, as on almost every Friday night, their was an EarthBound Movement meeting. Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, our webmasters Reidman and Tomato were unable to attend. In the hours preceeding the meeting, Reidman placed myself and EBounding in charge of the meeting. For anyone who has not figured it out yet, the java chat on has been taken down, and our meetings are now held at the IRC chat #earthbound. The reason we had to deal with this less-than-convenient format of chat is due to a team of hackers that in the past have frequently flooded this chatroom, wiping out the meeting. I have to give one crested booka-load of credit to Reidman, Tomato, and anyone else who's ever run an EarthBound Movement meeting.

It's an awesome responsibility to keep members in the room, making progress, and staying interested in the activities of the Movement. Unfortunately, business in the meeting can't always be that way, as anyone that was at that particular meeting knows that things got a little out of hand. First off, the issue of opping. Face the facts: Reidman and Tomato are in charge. If you want to participate in the Movement you should at least follow their extremely miniscule list of rules in a meeting. Soon enough their will be an op-bot in the room that only ops people who are listed into the bot, so this will not be a problem. Our webmasters are very busy people, maintaining actual lives off the net, and maintaining this wonderful on-the-net world we call the EarthBound Movement. So please, don't give them a hard time about who they chose to op.

Number two, language. Not everybody in the EarthBound Movement has the same permissive parents, not everybody in the EarthBound movement is over the age of 13. Just consider #earthbound like the actual world of EarthBound. Nobody swears. OK forget I said that, pretend it's the AMERICAN version of EarthBound. And the final rule is for your own safety in the chat. If you are by some chance opped, and someone is acting up, by all means DO NOT kick them. First perform a WHOIS, and if their memberships are hacking related, abandon the room. You're about to be flooded.

And that's Ultimoo's first Friday meeting wrap-up. Every Saturday update I will report on Friday's meeting, in addition to my regular articles that will appear on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This way anyone who missed the meeting can catch up on something important they may have missed :)

Other Submissions by Ultimoo

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Ultimoo A Brief History of #earthbound
7/31/06 0.00
Ultimoo Alternate Paths, Part I
7/31/06 0.00
Ultimoo Alternate Paths, Part II
7/31/06 0.00
Ultimoo Can't Blame EB For That One!
7/31/06 0.00
Ultimoo Classic Battles
7/31/06 0.00


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