Taking all the information that I've heard about getting any form of auhority, (forum moderator/administrator, section-runner, etc.) I've formed SimonBob's Unofficial Guide to Getting Authority.
1) Get lucky. Spend as much time in #earthbound as possible. Submit as much as possible so your name is well-known.
2) Have useful skills. Tomato once said that knowing HTML was a prerequisite. "Skills" also appears to apply to stuff like being cool (real cool, not pretend cool) and having really good ideas about how to do whatever it is you're doing (which is probably more important for running a section or being a channel op than for being a forum moderator.)
3) Never, EVER ask if you can have a position, unless applications are being requested. The answer is always "No." See point #1; you just have to be lucky enough to be noticed.
4) If all the staff members appear to be intact and aren't quitting, don't expect any hiring to happen anytime soon.
5) Don't tell anyone you've read my article. I'm probably going to be beaten to a bloody pulp by reidman's goons for this. Of course, I don't follow the whole "Have useful skills" thing either, so you won't see me as an op for a while. Nevertheless, I will continue making flukes, even stupid unfunny boring ones. Thank you and goodnight.
Taking all the information that I've heard about getting any form of auhority, (forum moderator/administrator, section-runner, etc.) I've formed SimonBob's Unofficial Guide to Getting Authority.
1) Get lucky. Spend as much time in #earthbound as possible. Submit as much as possible so your name is well-known.
2) Have useful skills. Tomato once said that knowing HTML was a prerequisite. "Skills" also appears to apply to stuff like being cool (real cool, not pretend cool) and having really good ideas about how to do whatever it is you're doing (which is probably more important for running a section or being a channel op than for being a forum moderator.)
3) Never, EVER ask if you can have a position, unless applications are being requested. The answer is always "No." See point #1; you just have to be lucky enough to be noticed.
4) If all the staff members appear to be intact and aren't quitting, don't expect any hiring to happen anytime soon.
5) Don't tell anyone you've read my article. I'm probably going to be beaten to a bloody pulp by reidman's goons for this. Of course, I don't follow the whole "Have useful skills" thing either, so you won't see me as an op for a while. Nevertheless, I will continue making flukes, even stupid unfunny boring ones. Thank you and goodnight.