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Running EBFGP 101 - by SimonBob

Running EBFGP 101

A few things I learned and experienced while running the EBFGP:

1) Being belligerent is the best way to get respect. If someone gets mad at you, say because you challenged them to not use the Cracked Bat but then Pokey wouldn't let them out of the house, tell them that they should be thanking you for showing them dialogue they wouldn't have seen otherwise. (Note that belligerence is dependent on having enough respect in the first place to get away with it; the best way to get it if you don't is hard work.)

2) Never ever admit that you don't know what you're doing with HTML/PHP, even if you've been owned.

3) Chewy is the least serious person on the site. She told me she was going to listen to every important message three times, and I believed her. The fact is, there are some messages that change when you try to get the person to repeat them, for example when you talk to Everdred in Fourside.

4) My favourite line to use when closing a topic is "Thanks for playing."

5) People spend far too much time talking about the geophysics of item storage. Buzz Buzz can carry the Sound Stone just because he can, okay?!

6) Blame the former staffer (EBounding) for anything you possibly can. To date, this includes the fact that you use Lifeup on yourself, not enemies; the Teddy Bear recovery myth; and a whole lot of grammatical errors. Nevertheless, if it weren't for him then I'd have had to do a lot more work, so kudos to you, man. May you always be the E in Team TRUE.

7) People aren't mature enough to avoid flame wars, so you have to keep them in line for their own darn good. That goes double for people who go out of their way to talk annoyingly.

8) No matter how many times you say it across the site, someone will always forget about the rest day.

9) WHO YA GONNA CALL?! Sorry, it was the hit of the season and I had to give it credit.

10) Locking topics is boring, but moving topics is exciting, probably because you don't get to do it as often. It's kind of strange how that works out, since locking and moving are both made necessary by people being dumb.

11) People keep peeking ahead to pages that they shouldn't have reached yet. I should've put passwords on the GPPs or something.

12) Being famous inadvertently gets you blamed for stuff like murder. Seriously.

13) People with really long lines of badges (like me) or really big avatars (like BlueAntoid) sometimes feel this odd need to flesh out their posts with totally random stuff so that the text will be the same length as all the paraphenilia. That's why I often sound important without actually being important.

14) I played the entire game with one hand by mapping my keys to WASD and the L button to Q. I'd still rather play on a console, though. How much longer until it comes out on GBA?

15) It's actually really easy to get the Carrot Key without setting off Magnet Hill's melody. Except then I had to go back to get it later, which meant more slogging through the sewers. BOOOORING!

16) I've already said way too much about my motherboard dying, so I'm going to stop now.

17) Did you know we've got a lot of Pink Floyd fans at Starmen.Net? Like, a lot. FiF might be the official SM.Net band, but the Floyd is definitely the close second.

18) I teleported into a Mad Taxi and it got a surprise attack on me :(

19) I got a Goddess Ribbon! I wasn't even trying to get it, although I was thinking how awesome it'd be if I got one out the blue. It was only my third Ghost of Starman, too, and I got a surprise attack on him. I'm the luckiest man alive.

20) While trying to get the Sword of Kings, I hit a Starman Super with the Casey Bat. It was a SMAAASH! hit, no less, and it caused 747 HP worth of damage. I was using the Casey Bat because its increased power actually ups the ratio of instant wins from surprise attacks and because I forgot to switch back to my other bat before attacking.

21) The "What'd you name your characters?" topic was the most popular, spanning three pages of various-name goodness.

22) If you hadn't heard already, Giovanni is actually a very intelligent and discerning EB player. I was shocked when I found out. I mean, I always figured he had a soft spot for EB, but his knowledge rivals the likes of guruzeth or Anthadd.

That's it. There isn't any more.

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SimonBob A Response
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Sing it to the tune of "Do They Know It's Christmastime?"
1/10/06 0.00
SimonBob Article Six
7/31/06 0.00
SimonBob article_man
1/7/05 0.00


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