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EB vs. Other RPGs - by Tengu Man

EB vs. Other RPGs

This isn't comparing the actual games, but telling about what I think a character from EB's[Good or evil] reaction would be to meeting a character from another RPG[good or evil].

[If Ness met Smithy(SMRPG):]

Well, Smithy would obivously attempt to turn Ness's world into one full of war(if not dominate it). And Ness, being the hero he is, would go up against him. Ness and Smithy have only one thing truly in common: they both wield a weapon capable of flattening something against a solid surface(Smithy has a hammer while Ness has a bat). Ness would be able to beat Smithy physcially(if he could inflict a total of 10000 HP to Smithy), even though it take a while...

[If Poo met Sabin(FF3):]

I bet those two could teach other a few things about how to fight. Poo and Sabin both are experts at the martial arts, although Poo also has PSI, yet Sabin has magic. If they fought someone like Vargas(FF3), or Dalton(CT), those two together would take him out in no time flat...

[If Jeff met Lucca(CT):]

Both are very smart, and probably somewhat attractive to each other with their glasses(and other traits). Their combined I.Q. is unmatched by any other two person group. They could both harness Bottle Rockets(imaging facing them when they both have a multi bottle rocket each. Ouch!), as well as repair broken items and machines and turn them into useful machines. Lucca, however has one extra advantage: she has the powers of Magic, where Jeff can't use PSI, but other than that, they are about the same.

[If Giygas met Lavos(CT):]

Well, they are both very odd and destructive creatures, and they'd probably combine their powers to accompish the plan ahead, which is to devastate the future, even though Lavos' threat comes from thousands of years in the past, while Giygas's is in about a 10-year span.

[If Belome met Pokey(SMRPG):]

Both are pigs, and they show it, but Belome has MUCH more fighting experience than Pokey does(at least if Pokey didn't have his Spider Mech). Pokey attacks using a large mech, while Belome can gulp someone and clone them, or turn them into a scarecrow, or even put whole groups of people to sleep. I bet Belome could beat Pokey's mech by jumping on it(if he can do such a thing anyway). He's large enough to do that kind of damage. And most of you would probably perfer Belome over Pokey anyday(I like him too).

[If Paula met Croco(SMRPG):]

Croco is a fast thief, which fears no one particular person, but a particular element, which is fire(his tail is set ablaze with one hit). Paula is actually faster than Croco(if they both raced, I bet I could prove my point), and fire powers happens to be her speciality. If they made contact, Croco would probably taunt Paula a lot, at least until he gets hit with her fire, and then... well... Croco's outta there, screaming like a total baby, so Paula is probably Croco's match. ^_^

[If Paula met Marle(CT):]

Here's a near-perfect match. These two are supposed to be the physically weakest(I don't know which is weaker), but they also have a friendly personality, although Marle has been known to scare the living daylights out of her friends, even Magus sometimes. They like to be treated with respect(even though Marle wouldn't perfer "royal" respect), and congradulate their boyfriends(Ness and Crono), for helping to save the day, plus they'd probably chit-chat to each other whenever they were taking time out.

[If Paula met Bowser(SMRPG):]

This would be positively hillarious at first. Bowser would probably mistake Paula for Princess Toadstool(they have almost the same hair and almost the same dresses too), and would try and run off with her, but if Paula had her weapon and layed a hit on him, he'd probably back off for the time being(Bowser is chivalrous in the manner that he doesn't attack females), and eventually he would be able to tell the difference between her and Princess Toadstool.

[If Paula met Magus(CT):] (I know, I'm doing too many Paula comparisons, ain't I? ^_^)

There is ONE story out there that I have read, with these two and more in a single group(Not EB meets CT, either!). Magus, has been known to act evil at times(even though he isn't), so his actions would probably worry Paula at first, and the fact he can go off with a bad temper when he is frusterated. Magus would probably be even more worried about her, since the two would be able to sense each other's thoughts and powers. I do admit that there probably will come a time where the two will want to take each other's heads off(in frustration, of course). In that case, we could only wonder who'd win[And I don't mean that sarcastically].

[If Paula met Kefka(FF3):] (Last Paula one, I promise! ^_^)

These two would no doubt be heated nemesis. They have only two things in common, they're both blonde and have blue eyes, but that's the only things they have in common. They'd hate each mainly because Paula has a passion for life to go on(Yippie!). And Kefka... well, Kefka just wants to destroy anything he sees(Boo!). Duh.

[If Mr. Saturn met Relm(FF3):]

Relm is an artist, who find all beauty in her drawings, even though she has such an attitude for a 10 year old girl. If she were to ever come upon the Mr. Saturns, she would definately symbolize them in her drawings somehow, as well as admire the Mr. Saturn race.(Same would probably apply to her meeting the Tendas, too). She would symbolize them as a mysterious culture, which has an honorable quality of life.

[If Pokey met Dalton(CT):]

I bet no one thought of this one. These two are very power hungry and are also total jerks, as they tend to not have any feelings of sorrow, but only hatred and jealousy. Together, they are a VERY difficult challenge to overcome, but they'd probably get tired of each other eventually, and they too will wanna take each others' heads off.

[If any of the main four met Setzer(FF3):]

Setzer's not exactly wild about having kids on his airship, and Gau sometimes gets on his nerves, so at the first site of Ness and his friends, Setzer would probably think; "Oh, no.... here comes MAJOR trouble....". Setzer also has an ego with leadership, and tends to order kids around, and Ness and Poo(or at least Ness), will eventually want to bash his head in about it.

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