Thoroughly Screwed
An old, fairly simple piece I made quite a while ago. No shading, as I didn't want to ruin it.
An old, fairly simple piece I made quite a while ago. No shading, as I didn't want to ruin it.
Author | Title | Description | Date | Rank |
IcyAntoid | Eruption |
This...doesn't look pleasant.
1/27/11 | 0.00 |
IcyAntoid | EVE |
The robot invented by George at some point in time and left behind in the submerged laboratory.
8/30/12 | 0.00 |
IcyAntoid | Even Madder Duck |
Cower, people.
12/8/10 | 0.00 |
IcyAntoid | Everdred, the Disco King |
This one was drawn with actual art pencils, as opposed to regular 2 HB.
11/18/08 | 0.00 |
IcyAntoid | Evil Elemental |
'What're you lookin' at, jock head?! I'm the Evil Elemental from the Fire Spring! Diamond Canine and Dr. Carbon woke me from my captive slumber, so now, I'm free to possess and pulverize whatever gets in my way! Ho hoh! Don't even think about collectin' those sanctuaries, brah, 'cause if you do, I'm gonna beat you into a pulp!"
10/6/10 | 0.00 |