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When he lost his mind - by SaturnStorm

When he lost his mind

This isn't a question that gets asked, because everyone makes their assumption about the answer and runs with it. So what is this query? When did Giygas go insane? Many people assume this must have happened after EB0 and before EB, and run with that.

But that makes no sense.

Granted we never got to see Giygas throughout EB, but we didn't get to see Giegue in EB0, either, nor Porky in M3. But you knew what they were thinking, because you got certain updates on the big-bad enemy throughout the game. Thing is, you got it in EarthBound, too.

Point 1: The beginning of the game

So you know how that goes. Buzz Buzz comes back to when the invasion started and gives you the lowdown on what 10 years from now looks like. 10-years-from-now Giygas sends back a troop to take Buzz Buzz down, which fails so moving on. How is this relevant? They all refer to Giygas. Buzz Buzz tells you that Giygas, the Universal Cosmic Destroyer, has sent everything to mulch. First point of 'not insane' right there. This is accenuated by the fact that it was Giygas who sent the Starman jnr to defeat Buzz Buzz. So he had orders. Which means the boss had to be in a mental state to give orders.

At that point of the game, the very beginning, Giygas is sane. You could argue that the 10-years-in-the-future Giygas could be sane but the now-Giygas not... but that would be a foolish endeavour.

Point 2: Belch

We hear about Giygas next through one of his henchmen. And we know he's one of the henchmen because one of his footsoldiers tells us so. But however you swing it, Belch knows about Giygas, and tells us so. He tells us how Giygas seems to be afraid of someone, who is destined to destroy him. This again shows us a level of coherency that he doesn't display when we meet him. So we can assume that to this point, Giygas is still sane.

In fact, more to the point Belch tells us, once he's defeated, that Giygas is even still giving orders! And though we're hearing this through a proxy, at this stage nobody is said to be speaking for Giygas. So it would be silly to assume at this early stage that such a person could exist.

Point 3: Department Store Spook

The Spook who calls you in after you lose Paula is another person who mentions Giygas. He is adamant that even though he falls, Giygas will avenge him. That would be a curious thing to expect off an almighty idiot, wouldn't it?

Point 4: Mani Mani and Monotoli

We know a few things about the Mani Mani. Mostly that he is an illusion machine who was able to manipulate Lier X Agerate, Carpainter, and then finally Monotoli before the Moonside incident. We also know from Monotoli that it could deliver messages to those who went to pray to it. It told Monotoli about how the evil side would be in trouble if Ness and Co went to Summers. A name came up, that Monotoli couldn't hear, but understood to be Giygas.

This one's a little more interesting since Mani Mani, while definitely working for Giygas, wasn't clear-cut in his orders. The words weren't coming through as they should. But he was still coherent.

Does this mean this is the point where Giygas was beginning to lose it? Perhaps. But he hasn't by now. Let us skip ahead a bit...

Point 5: Tea before a drop

This is one of the last times you'll get a status update of Giygas's fears of Ness, and his active control in his army. At this point we know he is very afraid of Ness, having come so far in this journey. At this point we also know Giygas took some drastic measures to try and slow them down (Stonehenge base). So this is probably the point where he's on the verge of losing control.

After this, you will hear of the prophecy a few times, from the old talking rock, and even from Ness himself. But the updates, the explanation of the present tense of Giygas, stops here. There is nothing more after that, before you face him in the past, where all the final explanations come from Pokey. And by then... yeah he's pretty much gone to all reason.

In summary:

So to look back: Giygas seems to be well in control up until you hit Fourside. After that the discussed role drops to fears, and the rest comes from the actions of his army. He still has some vague coherency, a still solid thought, after you've passed through Tenda Village. After that's fair game.

Personally I believe that he finally cracks after Ness has been back to the meteorite. In or around then, anyway. Everything had been so perfect, but then it gets to the last stronghold, that one last obstacle before Ness even stands a chance of battling Giygas, and the hero breaks through it. All his plans had come to naught, and finally he just goes all ape-wire.

And there you have it! No, Giygas can't have gone insane before Fourside, and it's not that likely he went insane till you hit Stonehenge at least.

Thanks for reading, now I don't have to repeat myself. :P


-The game.

Quote: Buzz Buzz's speech

A bee I am not... I'm from 10 years in the future. And, in the future, all is devastation... Giygas, the universal cosmic destroyer, sent all to the horror of eternal darkness...

..... However, you must listen! Where I am from, there is a well-known legend that has been handed down from ancient times. It says "When the chosen boy reaches the point, he will find the light. The passing of time will shatter the nightmare rock and will reveal the path of light." You see, it is my opinion that you are that boy, Ness. This I believe...

..... Giygas' monstrous plan must have been set in motion somewhere on Earth... If you start to confront the enemy immediately, you may have time to counter the evil intentions of Giygas. Three things are of the utmost importance wisdom, courage, and friendship. ...The legends from the ancient times tell of three boys and a girl who defeat Giygas. ...I will tell you more later.

Quote: Starman Junior

It's been a long time, Buzz Buzz. You've been successful at foiling Master Giygas' plans. But... Buzz Buzz, you must now surrender. You're no longer a hero, but just a useless insect. I'll stomp you hard!

Quote: Threed NPC

Yeah, I worked for the zombies, but I betrayed them too. I'm a con man, so I know the score. Belch gives life to the zombies, but Belch works for Giygas, who I heard might be female. Well, I'm not really sure whether Giygas is a male or a female. I'm a helpful con man, don't you think?

Quote: Slimy Pile

Master Belch is the slimiest! However, I heard he's also serving some Giygas guy. That I cannot believe.

Quote: Master Belch

...I see... Gyork! Gyork! Gyork! There's a prophecy that a boy will destroy Master Giygas. Heeg! Heeg! Heeg! You make me laugh so hard... If Master Giygas is scared of someone... he would have to be worse than the greatest evil...

Garg! Ga! Garg! Ga! Ga! Ga! I'll take you down big time, so get ready for the worst fight of your life!

After the battle:

Looks like it was an even fight... Buurp! But, Master Giygas has managed to get the Mani Mani statue into Fourside.

Quote: Dept. Store Spook

Gwaaagh, Gwarrrgh!. You finally made it. This department store is gonna be your grave! Gwaaagh. You will be gone, and you'll be burning in... Well, you'll go to heaven!

After the battle:

...Even though you could beat me... Master Giygas will avenge me...

At this moment, Paula should be...Monotoli... Gwaaaaarrrrgh!!

Quote: Monotoli

..... I'll tell you everything. The Mani Mani Statue creates an illusion. It attracts evil spirits and weakens your heart. The power scared me so much, I hid the statue in the warehouse at Jackie's Cafe. I often went there to pray.

..... Cryptic words appeared to me while I was in the illusion. Ness, your name appeared in the cryptic messages. "Stop Ness, and do so by your own hand." Or... "Don't let them go to Summers." Or... "Make sure they know nothing of the Pyramid"... I don't fully understand the messages, but someone obviously doesn't want you to go to Summers. ...Evil... Giygas... or something... I could hear the name...

Anyway, the evil side would be in trouble if you visit Summers... Oh! On the contrary, you should definitely go to Summers, especially because they don't want you to make it there.

Quote: Tenda Tea scene

Like a great tapestry, vertical and horizontal threads have met and become intertwined, creating a huge, beautiful image.

You may have cursed this never-ending journey. You have known injury and defeat, but you have struggled on to reach this place. Your in-born intelligence and courage have helped bring you here. You have believed in your friends, and as a group, you have supported each other.

Have you ever stopped to consider how much your power has grown? Now, you could fell enemies in Onett and Twoson with one blow. As you certainly know, you cannot turn back. Giygas, the arch fiend of the universe, is growing frightened of you and your power. He is searching for ways to end your journey.

From here, the challenge grows and your adventure will take you beyond anything you ever imagined. You are drawing near to Giygas. Remember, when you are suffering hardships, your enemy is also struggling.

By the way, do you know where Pokey went?

When this cup of tea is finished, your adventure will continue. Your destiny pulls you in the right direction. Believe in yourself and press forward.

Ness! Paula! Jeff! Poo! I wish you luck...

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