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The Diary of Ban Frank: Chapter 1 - by Frank

The Diary of Ban Frank: Chapter 1

My name is Mark Lenington. I go by Frank on the internet because he is my favorite charactor in EarthBound. My favorite drink is Mountain Dew. I chose not to get a gamecube because I prefer the graphics of the Xbox, and the games are sweet. I will probably end up getting a gamecube when Mother 3 comes out. (I'll have words with any man who thinks that it won't :D) I play lacrosse, and I like not having influenza.

Now that you know a little bit about me, I'd like to talk about #earthbound, on IRC. I started coming in in like mid-1999. I was very pleased with it, and it's been a great experience to trust people and have fun in there. My view on #earthbound hasn't really changed much, a lot of people think that it was nothing like it was back then. But I havn't seen much of a difference. There were lamers, of course, but that didn't effect it a lot. We only moved from 2 servers, and lamers wasn't the only reason.

I have made many friends online, and I like the fact that I can talk to them like they are my good friends, instead of not trusting them.

The reason that I am so weird is that I really don't care what people think about me, and frankly, I find it boring to act normal. There really is no reason why I shout random things like, "MCVEIGH!" and "I LIEK TEH TAQUITOS :D". If you have noticed, other people have got involved in my weirdness. Every day I come into #earthbound, I see a friendly "FRNAK :D" or "Bad FRNAK :D". I find it fun that people exploit a mispel just to have fun. The whole :D thing makes me feel better. It doesn't matter if someone means it, I just like seeing it. A simple "lol" won't change my mood. But :D, thats different.

Lets talk about Earthbound, shall we? Earthbound is by far one of the best RPG's ever made. I'm sad to say that it is tied with FF3, and Chrono Trigger, with me. But it has played a big impact in my life. I can't exactly remember how long ago it was when I started playing EarthBound. But I remember the night my brother, Brian, brought home a copy him and a friend of his had rented. I remember turning it on when they had fallen asleep, and I got farther than them. Now he's 5 years older than me, and I'm considered the smartest person in the family, so go figure. The game was so cool.

Ness looked just like me, and the whole game was a fun enviornment. "What is your favorite food?" Pizza. Of course pizza, my dad ran his own pizza stores back in that day, how could it not be Pizza?. "Mark, you look tired, eat some pizza and scoot up to bed." WTF SWEET. I love Pizza! I was young then, so it was cool. Eventually I ended up buying Earthbound off that guy, cuz he bought it and didn't really like it, he still gives me a hard time for it playing a big role in my life.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Will Frank kick is mom in the face? Or will he get banned from #earthbound again?


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