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Thoughts on Thoughts at - by Gau

Thoughts on Thoughts at

In this community, we tend to look very strongly at the past, often, it seems, with rose-colored glasses. In fact, entire articles, multi-page forum posts, and hours of whining both in private messages are dedicated to ‘reminiscing’, which in reality is mostly heralding the accomplishments of forumers and IRC chatters who are no longer with us, and telling the newcomers that they aren’t as good. If this community is going to not only survive, but also continue to thrive, it needs to do several things.

The first thing it needs to do is to stop resting on its laurels. Far too often we point at what’s already been done and count it as an acceptable end, rather than create new and original work for the world to enjoy. This really is, and always has been, a community about working, thinking, creating, and analyzing. If we stop doing that, then we don’t really have much of a community, do we?

Which brings me to my second point, thinking and knowledge. I believe the community is about making the LOGICAL connections within the Earthbound series, analyzing events, ideas, and relationships. However, if one isn’t prepared to understand those basic concepts and be able to THINK critically; that is, on the higher levels of cognitive thinking.

The first is analysis; to separate material into component parts to understand it’s organizational structure, and to distinguish between facts and inferences. For example, that that Ness and Ninten look similar is a fact. That Ness and Ninten are in some way related, or are the same person, are inferences.

The second is synthesis; to put together diverse elements into unique patterns, with emphasis on creating new meanings and structures. This is a big part of what the community is about; creating fanart and fanfiction that ties together Earthbound, their original ideas, and even the community.

The third is evaluation; to make judgments about the value of ideas or materials.

This is another big part of what our community is about; sharing our values on ideas through articles, and through conversation and debate on the forums and chat rooms.

Which brings me to my next point, the conversation and debate on the forums and chat rooms, and a second type of thinking, affective thinking. There are five types of affective thinking, all of which I believe are important in being an active participant in the community.

The first of these is receiving phenomena. The members of this community need to learn, or re-learn in some cases, to listen to each other with respect, and to listen to and retain essential and basic information in the community.

The second is responding to phenomena. The members of this community need to participate in discussions, to ask intelligent and informed questions, to pay attention to the workings of the community, and the consequences of ignoring the rules.

The next is valuing. The members of this community need to be sensitive towards individual and cultural differences, be able to solve problems on their own, be committed toward positive change in this community, and when there are problems in this community that no one seems to be doing anything about, it needs to be brought to the attention of the management, the community, or both.

Fourth is organization. At this point I’m really generalizing here; these things could be said about any community, I suppose, but I feel they’re things that need to be said about the community. This community needs to understand the need for balance between freedom and responsible behavior in order for members of a community to work together, to create plans to solve problems, and to accept responsibility for their behavior.

Fifth is characterization. We need to be able to work independently, and as a team, to solve problems effectively, and in a pseudo-professional manner. We also need to be able to change our minds; to be able to revise our judgments in light of new evidence. We need to value people for what they are, not how much power or how many badges they have.

The community isn’t just about creating and thinking; but in my belief, it’s about creating fanart, fanfiction, essays, opinions, and the like that are refined, precise, and articulate; the mark of true THINKING people. We are a community with a rich and interesting history, that’s true, but we’re also much more than that. We’re a community with a talented and interesting populace, one that could do great things. But we need three things to do this: thinking, motivation, and self-reliance. Not to mention we need to stop reminiscing about the ‘good old days’, and start making good NEW days. "Respect the past, build for the future." If we can’t work TOGETHER as a community, as well as thinking as individuals, then yes, this community will spiral downward; however, I don’t want to see that happen, and I don’t think the rest of you want to see that happen either.

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Gau Thoughts on Thoughts at
7/31/06 0.00


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