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Title - by SpazzMan


If this article seems confusing, it's because I was confused when I wrote it.

Last night, I cast my vote for EarthBound 128 in the nintendojo poll EBounding posted about. However, he said Sonic GCN was winning by a little; after I voted, EarthBound 128 was already way out in front (right now, it's 164 ahead).

This morning, I was wondering about that. Mother 3 has been cancelled; everybody knows that. Nintendo delayed it and delayed it and cancelled it and then jumped on it and ground it into the dirt. However, nobody seems to care. I don't care. The proof of this is that despite its being wiped off the development map, Mother 3 is still getting more support than games which have a fair chance of being released. The question which got me wondering was, "Why?" Why is it that no matter how many times Nintendo says Mother 3 is kaput, fine, dead, many of the fans of the previous games refusr to listen? True, a release would mean big money for Nintendo, so that would speak for its release, but it wouldn't get the big money if it weren't for its monstrous support. WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS GAME???

I don't really know (if you do, great). I do, however, have a guess.

For me, this game (EarthBound) is like an extension of my life. Not in that I live to play it, but more in the way of a really good book; when I play it, I feel like I am the characters, and that as the storyline unfolds, a little, inessential but semi-important piece of my life continues. A lot of games do that a little (FF2), but EarthBound really is a little part of my life. I can't explain it. As an example, when I first finished it (I was around 9 or 10), my friend was there to see the Devil's Machine portion of the battle with Giygas, but he had to leave before I could complete the game. Afterward, I remarked that I wish he had seen the rest. My mom said that I could just beat it again. I don't know if I had been hit over the head earlier that day or not, but I burst into tears (if you want to see more on why I'm called SpazzMan, travel back in time to when I was seven and beat me in a game of chess). This is the sort of thing that makes it impossible for me to play the whole game more than once or twice a year: I don't want to have to relive my life. When I applied this, I started to see why, for me at least, I refuse to believe that Mother 3 will never see the light of day:

ME: "Wow! I wonder what happens next!"
NINTENDO: "Nothing. What happens next has been cancelled."
ME: "WHAT???"
NINTENDO: "Cancelled. It didn't work in 3D."
ME: "You can't cancel it. It's my life! What happens next in my life?"
NINTENDO: "Nothing. That's the end."
ME: "But it's part of my life!"
NINTENDO: "Sorry; your life doesn't work in 3D."
And now, a chorus of other fans join in.
US: "Well, do it in 2D."
NINTENDO: "Not feasible on Nintendo 64. It's over."
US: "How 'bout Game Boy Advance."
NINTENDO: "It's cancelled."
US: "Well, I GameCube port would do well, and we'd like to see one."
NINTENDO: "It's not getting ported anymore; it's dead, stupid. You can't bring it back."
US: "Bring it back!"
NINTENDO: "We will not bring it back!"
US: "Bring it back!"
NINTENDO: "We will not bring it back!"
US: "Bring it back!"
NINTENDO: "Bismilah! We will not..."

...You get the idea. I don't know how anybody else feels, but I can't comprehend what my own inexistence would be like, and I cannot fully grasp the form of a small piece of it abruptly ending. Especially when there's a glimmer of hope that it could continue. So what's next? I don't know about anybody else. I'll probably lend my support to any new campaigns for Mother 3's release and try to separate the rest of my life so it can keep going forward.

I don't really know why I wrote this article. I doubt that anyone else cares how obsessed I am with a video game, even if they're in a similar situation. Maybe I helped someone else who had the same questions... maybe I made even more enemies. If there's anything I'd like to come out of all this bleating, it's that I'd like to let Nintendo know that they can't slam the door on me: it's too late; they already got me heading towards it at full speed.

Other Submissions by SpazzMan

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SpazzMan Old Dead Guy, New Dead Guy
Old Dead Guy, New Dead Guy - MIDI
3/26/05 0.00
SpazzMan The Detrimental Effects of Gaming
The Detrimental Effects of Gaming - Fanfics
3/26/05 0.00
SpazzMan Title
7/31/06 0.00


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