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I'm Sick of All This - by Static2007

I'm Sick of All This

Note before I start: I'm making this for the soul prepuse of stopping this where it is right now. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone and I'm not here to pretend I'm a judge. I just have to say something about a certain situation currently being inranged at Starmen.Net. Also I'm very sorry reid, you stated in one topic for this not to be spoke of. I'm bringing this up because this isn't something that can be resolved in a chat room or can be avoided. I belive that if said, it may resolve a conflict.

Okay, so everyone pretty much knows about this fight between Jakob and Scotty, right? Scotty and Jakob arranged to meet at Scotty's school and there ended up being a large misunderstanding and led to an inranged flame war with everyone else in the community ending up getting sucked into. Well I seen both sides of the story. I must say that this has been a very odd fight. My comment on this is that it wasn't anyone's fault. Yes, I said no one. It actually seems more like a misunderstandind that happened. This has affected the community by flaming others, sending unreasonable messages to people, and just all out not getting along. I feel that if no one else is going to do this, then I'm just going put my foot down and say this has got to stop. Everyone's fighting over something that should have been kept private, but even in private this would not be resolved. I can't belive people here are being so intolerable with and flaming others.

Why I decided to send this article is because I just can't stand people fighting over some misunderstanding and creating a broken bond with someone they used to perfectly get along with. I say that we stop this flaming, the rumors, the quotes, the blames, and just express your feelings in a more resonable manner. I don't mean saying "He started it!" or "Who side are you on anyways?" I'm here to say that I stay nutural. I respect both people just as much as I did when I first came here or they first came here. I just belive that there were some minor wrong choices made creating this mess. No one's perfect, so why are we all blaming others? Can't we accept that we made a wrong choice and make up? I'm sick of others ganging on others like this, it just truly makes me frustrated that this fight just got so out of hand. So I'm just going to ask why we can't accept what happend and be friends instead of seeing someone being drivin out of the community because of the stress of this mess?

All I'm pretty much saying is that this coflict has got to stop. Blames and flames don't resolve anything. If we just talk about it in an adult manner, I belive that getting along won't be as hard. Also one final note: I could care less if some of you disagree with me, flame me, send horrible messages to me, ect. Go ahead if you want to, I'll still respect you for who you are. I just wanted to get his off my chest and say this flat out that we need to take a second look at this and think that this fight shouldn't continue. We just need to forgive and forget. I'm not expecting many people to agree with me on this topic, but at least I know that I tried.

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The enemies from the haunted Department Store. GWARGH!
2/10/05 9.00
Static2007 Frankystein Mark III
Frankystein Mark III is ready to bring you down!
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Static2007 I'm Sick of All This
7/31/06 0.00
Static2007 Mother 3
Mother 3 GCN boxart mockup.
2/10/05 8.00
Static2007 Psychic Quest
Your psychic friends have to stick together.
2/10/05 8.00


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