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The Origin of Giygas - by Pyrite

The Origin of Giygas

Giygas, the Universal Cosmic Destroyer (UCD,) is an enigmatic alien being with extraordinary power and very malevolent intentions toward Earth. He also seems to have a limited ability to exert control over the minds of people. Mr. Joe Shmoe the annoying old drunk who parties a lot may think of spiking the punch, and next thing he knows, he is running at a group of three odd kids and swinging his fists. This is the kind of power Giygas can exert on normal people. He can affect animals, plants, and later in the game even inanimate objects like taxi's, and signs. It is really sort of scary the power he has. And it is also odd that this doesn't affect Ness, Jeff, Paula, Poo, Dr. Andonuts, Apple kid, etc. Perhaps contact with the chosen 4 helps people battle the urges Giygas sends. Perhaps the people that end up helping them are just made of tougher stuff. Who knows?

Also of interest is the fact that the hieroglyph that you find in summers describes a Great War. It says:

To fight against the invaders, we built this pyramid fortress. However, our efforts were futile, and we lost. Nonetheless, our pyramid was protected by the gods of Scaraba. The invaders will be reborn every millennium and will attack again. Even now, the invaders hide beyond space and time and build their evil stronghold. A place out of time is beyond the Dark, and is even farther beyond the Lost Underworld. The Deep Darkness is shrouded, it is without light. Only one with the can pierce the dark. The Sphinx now watches over everything, waiting for the coming of a truly brave hero.

1 4 3

2 5

Dance in front of the Sphinx!

This can be interpreted many ways. And it raises many questions. Such as:

1: If they lost, as they claim, why is the earth not under Giygas's rule?

2: Was it indeed Giygas that they fought?

3: If they somehow won, why is this not written on the hieroglyph and why?

Well, here is my personal theory on that (if you look into my work, you will notice that I have a lot of personal theories about things.)

In the year 99X. All was well in the land of Scaraba. The sands were burning, the snakes were biting, and life was quite good in general. Then people began to randomly turn on each other. Families were broken apart and armies brought down. It seemed that none were safe. It soon became clear that an outside force was causing this chaos and the leading Scaraban shamans began work on a pyramid, which the people could use as a base of operations. The work took a year, and was almost destroyed a total of 312 times. (That's almost 1/day.) When it was finished, so few people were left and the forces arrayed against them were so strong that the pyramid could only serve as a place to hide. And hide they did. This was when the hieroglyph was inscribed upon the pyramid wall. Since that time the shamans were working on another item of power. A gold statue of a man with horns. This statue would be used to trap and contain the evil force that was fighting them. As it was finished, an assault was launched against the pyramid. The shamans activated the statue...

...And it worked. The people under Giygas's control returned to normal, the sands stopped attacking everyone, the bookas calmed down, and the UFO's flew off into space. The statue did not contain all of Giygas, however, and a portion of him flew off into space. A year of peace went by, allowing the Scarabans to rebuild. But... it all happened again.

This time the evil took the form of a corrupt ruler. Now Scaraba had dealt with corrupt leaders before, but never to this extent. He ordered the death of hundreds and had a special torture where he would make you eat a stag beetle whole. It was very painful. This ruler also had countless supporters. He also had the walls in the sacred pyramid scrubbed clean of hieroglyphs. The people rose in a rebellion and found that the king was not in control of himself. What was really in control was the odd gold statue. After trying to destroy it, the people found it indestructible, so they buried it beneath the earth in a faraway land across the sea. The ship made it through, but was attacked by the Kraken on the way back and never seen again.

Then in the year 199X the Miner/Billboard Maker Lier X Agerate was compelled to dig up his basement looking for gold. He only found a gold statue. He sold the statue to a man named Carpainter, who came to Onnet. When ness defeated Carpainter, the Happy Happyists were eager to get rid of the statue, and when the opportunity presented itself (Everdred was looking for it. See my fanfic "goodbye for now or forever") they got rid of it. Then Everdred brought it to Fourside and had it stolen from him by Monotoli. Monotoli stashed it in Jackie's cafe and when ness found it, it sent him to an illusory world, hoping that it would drive him mad. It nearly did, but the statue was destroyed, along with a good deal of Giygas's power. Giygas was not happy about the fact that he seemed to be losing this war. When eventually Ness got to the cave of the past, which was really a place outside of time, Giygas had set up amazing defenses there. Its work was futile, however, as ness and his party came forward and destroyed Giygas with the power of the hopes and prayers of the world. But Giygas had allied himself with Pokey, and had also warped Pokey's mind beyond redemption (It didn't take much.) so Pokey got away, with a robotic suit and a portion of Giygas's power.

Now there is still one loose end to tie up, and that would be Buzz Buzz. Now I think that one of two things happened. Either timelines are saved even if they are broken, and Buzz Buzz somehow traveled back in time, or for some reason Buzz Buzz thinks that Giygas came back or he really did come back. But I think this is what happened:

Pokey started calling himself Giygas so he could use the fear that his old master's name inspired. This was the Giygas that Buzz Buzz spoke of. This means that either Pokey will have defeated the chosen four, or they just haven't been noticed in the fight yet.

Anyway, this is my first article. I hope you liked it. if you did, go to my website at

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