Hello, I'm carryabigbat, you might remember me from other articles such as "Balance..." I'm on spring break right now which is very nice. The only problem is that I have successfully not written to papers due in the next week. So I figured to get my creative juices going I would write an article. A few days ago I was reflecting on why it is that I go to Starmen.net. I wrote out a small list here it is:
1) Ever since Earthbound has come out I have always loved this game and I realize that I still love it. 2) With all of this news flying around about bringing EB/EB0 back on GBA and bringing M3 to Gamecube I am literally at the edge of my seat waiting for what is going to happen next. 3) I feel that there are some really good people at this site, and I would really like to get to know some of the people here better. 4) Finally that day I thought about Ness and how great of a character he is, Tough, Quiet, Smart, and Brave.
Then Out of no where I realized that Ness is all about keeping it simple(and I don�t mean like eating bugs and using leaves to� well never mind.). During this time I thought of this, it's Necessary Everyone Stays Simple. I believe Ness's life was pretty simple; he had a backpack with a little food, a bat and a cap (Baseball that is), and a couple of great friends. Now I tell you what, that�s really all you need. If you can find a way to keep your life simple in this very busy world, you will be happy(Or at least I think you would be?) Well I think I�m ready to write a few papers now. I hope that my article didn�t bore you guys too much. (For those of you who took the time to read it) Well that is my second article I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments or questions feel free to e-mail me at: [email protected] (I like e-mails, either way if you liked it or not feel free to drop me an e-mail.) Take care sm.netters, until next time this is carryabigbat.
Hello, I'm carryabigbat, you might remember me from other articles such as "Balance..." I'm on spring break right now which is very nice. The only problem is that I have successfully not written to papers due in the next week. So I figured to get my creative juices going I would write an article. A few days ago I was reflecting on why it is that I go to Starmen.net. I wrote out a small list here it is:
1) Ever since Earthbound has come out I have always loved this game and I realize that I still love it. 2) With all of this news flying around about bringing EB/EB0 back on GBA and bringing M3 to Gamecube I am literally at the edge of my seat waiting for what is going to happen next. 3) I feel that there are some really good people at this site, and I would really like to get to know some of the people here better. 4) Finally that day I thought about Ness and how great of a character he is, Tough, Quiet, Smart, and Brave.
Then Out of no where I realized that Ness is all about keeping it simple(and I don�t mean like eating bugs and using leaves to� well never mind.). During this time I thought of this, it's Necessary Everyone Stays Simple. I believe Ness's life was pretty simple; he had a backpack with a little food, a bat and a cap (Baseball that is), and a couple of great friends. Now I tell you what, that�s really all you need. If you can find a way to keep your life simple in this very busy world, you will be happy(Or at least I think you would be?) Well I think I�m ready to write a few papers now. I hope that my article didn�t bore you guys too much. (For those of you who took the time to read it) Well that is my second article I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments or questions feel free to e-mail me at: [email protected] (I like e-mails, either way if you liked it or not feel free to drop me an e-mail.) Take care sm.netters, until next time this is carryabigbat.