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Evidence of Ninten not being Ness' Dad - by RadicOmega

Evidence of Ninten not being Ness' Dad

For quite some time now, many MOTHER fans have made many theories about whose Ness’ dad. One strong theory broke out about how Ninten is Ness’ dad, and their evidence is in Magicant, Ness’ dad gives Ness “his” hat, which apparently is the same as Ninten’s hat.
So the theory is, Ninten Married Ana and had Ness and Tracy. This theory has been running around at some very strange: So I have set together a short little essay, making this theory, vanish to dust!
The first ground I am going to cover, is also the main one. In MOTHER, Ninten is twelve years old in 1988, and in EarthBound Ness, is 13, in the year 199x, which means any time from 1990-1999(2000?). So if Ninten to logically have Ness, even setting to 1999, he would’ve had to have done it at 10 years old (Note: I kind of stole that quote from BB Gang Zombie). That’s practically the main ground.
And if you want to be a smart alec and say “But Ninten must be much more bad then we think I guess!” keep in mind if he was 10, and he didn’t go on the adventure until he was 12, so he wouldn’t have met Ana yet. And if you say he just cheated, keep in mind he’d be occupied taking care of a baby rather than going off on an adventure.

Next off, Ness’ dad is NOT a silent guy. In MOTHER 1, Ninten is a silent protagenoius. The posing argument may be “But Radic, in an RPG, the main character is always silent” and many may back this up with proof of this in MOTHER 3. However in MOTHER, Ninten was supposed to be silent, in many text lines it mentions how he is quite. This may not be the strongest point of argument for me. However in Spokane/Halloween someone says to Ninten “Why aren’t you a quite little fellow.” (Notice I am not the only one: )
This next part covers Ana. Many think she is Wife of Ninten and gave birth to Ness, mostly because of a picture of her with a frying pan. That is basically the only selected evidence of this. Unless someone wants to come and prove me wrong? ANYWHO, at Onett Under siege, if you talk to Ness’ mom she will say something like “I guess all we can do is just sit here and wait”, if she was Ana, she’d most likely go out there and kick some butt. But she just sits there, acting hopeless.

Another proof of Ana is that when you defeat Giygas and you talk to her, at one point she will say “I heard you defeated Goo-Gi or something” You think if she saved the world she would at least remember his name. Another argument may be “But they are two different names in MOTHER and MOTHER 2”. Will that has been proven wrong MANY times. In the Japanese MOTHER and MOTHER 2, they are the exact same name: Gyiyg.
Do Ness and Ninten even live on the same planet? I actually disagree with my own theory, but come on. In MOTHER, the game takes place in America, practically making it in the real world. In MOTHER 2, you are on a world with three continents" “Eageland, Foggyland, and Chomo” : Which practically take up half of the earth? What’s to prove this wrong is up to your imagination.

Ninten, (and Ana in this case) and Ness don’t even share the same PSI powers except of course, Healing Lifeup and a few shield moves. You think PSI powers would be passed on by blood right? Well if you believe so this is making no sense if you thing Ninten is Ness’ dad. As for Ana, I can see PK Beam becoming Rocking or something, but other than that, which PSI powers would make sense for them to share?
Going back to the dates, if Ninten had a child at ten, he would need to take care of it, meaning he would have to take school on a lower measure, by that, probably not at all. So, how can he afford a job to give Ness $10000 when he calls?

Anyways this is just my well put together information with help of NoodleBandit (Who suddenly disappeared). If anyone else would like to compremise let it begin

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